I have approximately seven hours left here (am I packed? of course not!) and am so dang excited to be going back to school.
Even though the circumstances were less than ideal, and there were probably more days that I wished I were in Laie than not, it's been nice being around here too. This is the most time by a long shot that I've spent here since I left three years ago and I've been reminded of how much I love it. Annapolis is beautiful, and there are people here that mean the world to me and because of the much extended visit, I got to spend lots more time with them than I would have otherwise. I got to go to my little sister's birthday party, meet up with my host sisters from my last family, visit DC with another exchanger, drive down to see family in Virginia, hang out with my sibs a bit, and enjoy the company of some of my favorites from high school. My life is good.
So, Annapolis, I'm not sure when I'll be back, but thanks for the good times.
Now back to the land of longboards, late night beach jams and bonfires, new friends and that awesome aloha spirit.