After a smooth check-in and a very long flight, I am here in Addis Ababa!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Things I never thought I'd think:
After a smooth check-in and a very long flight, I am here in Addis Ababa!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Mahalo nui loa, nagyon köszönöm szépen, betam ameseginalehugn.
In exactly two days, assuming all goes well, I'll be at the airport about to board a fourteen hour flight to Addis Ababa.
At this point, I'm mildly overwhelmed with everything I still need to do, people I need to see, and things I need to pack. That feeling is absolutely nothing in comparison to how absolutely overwhelmed I feel with support and love and encouragement. Everyone I've told about this trip has been more positive and supportive than I could ever have imagined, from my amazing coworkers, who chipped in on a water filter system I'd been eyeing, and the patients at work to my incredible family that has made sure I'm stocked up with all my third-world emergency preparation and technical needs.
These past few days have been stuffed fuller than a Thanksgiving turkey with a variety of see-ya-laters, from trivia nights, to swing dancing, concerts, and family farewells and I am feeling sosososoSO blessed to have all these people in my life who care about me and wish me well. I know there will be challenges while I'm on this adventure, but having all these people back home praying for me and sending positive vibes my way will certainly help me get through those hard times.
So, if you're reading this and I haven't had a chance to say this in person, or if I've had that chance and didn't take it: thank you. Thank you a million times over for being in my life and for that support and encouragement you give me.
I'm at my metro stop now, and fingers crossed this embassy visit is more productive than the last one.
Monday, February 11, 2013
One Fine Day
This weekend the padres and I made the five hour trek down and back to visit my step-dad's family in southwestern Virginia. The point of the trip was definitely to spend time with la familia, but luckily, there was some time in there for me to get my hike on too.
Saturday morning I headed out bright but not-too-early for Tinker Cliffs, a short section on the Appalachian Trail that's been on my to-hike list for a while. It was a beaaaaaautiful, sunny, and not terribly cold day, with just a few other people on the trail- practically perfect. I spent a few hours getting there, meandering my way up the mountain and exploring the cliffs, then making my way back down and home. All in all, an excellent way to spend my third to last (WOAH.) Saturday in the country.
Have some peeeectures: