Saturday, December 29, 2012

To life, to life, l'chaim.

Time to resurrect ye olde blogge.

Two (and now three!) posts in a year is probably enough to call a blog well and dead, but I'll be heading off on another adventure in the next couple of months that will need recording and sharing.

In the mean time, have some pictures of today's snow. I bundled myself up and headed out into the wild blue yonder with my new camera (Thanks Grandpa!).


Lucky for me, it warmed up a few degrees, so it was here long enough for me to take pictures, and disappeared shortly afterwards. Perfect.

Monday, April 2, 2012

I still exist, promise.

I've relocated (again!) to the lovely sunshine state and and am spending time hanging out with my 96 year old, stubborn-as-all-get-out, great-grandma, while quietly trying to organize little bits of chaos that are all over the house. This charming little fellow below is one of the "treasures" hanging out in the garage and has probably been living a very sad existence in there for longer than I've been alive. At some point in time, he lost his arms. Bummer, Mr. T-Rex, no hugs for you. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's snow time.

Obviously, with a title like that, I'm not in Hawaii anymore.

I finished up my last semester, spent a couple of weeks enjoying the island, had a week-long layover in Utah (I got to spend time with family, catch up with some friends and go to a besties' wedding) and am now back in Maryland, searching for gainful employment. I could even drop the qualifier and say I'm just looking for employment, gainful or not, and that statement would still be very true.

Enough of that update.

It snowed last night. I was way too busy making a pretzel portrait of Orville Redenbacher to pay attention to the weather at the time, but this afternoon I decided to wander around outside and take some pictures.

