Friday, November 27, 2009

Da Local Kine Thanksgiving

There had been a few different ideas about what to do for Thanksgiving floating around, including flying out to the Big Island for the weekend, making a lunch at home with friends or joining in on campus activities. In the end, my roommate and I went over to her boyfriend's house to have lunch and hang out for a few hours listening to his family talk story. Of all the things we could have done, I'm glad we ended up with this one. College is fun and all, but it is definitely nice to spend time in a family environment sometimes, even if it isn't your own family. There were kids running around, adults laughing and teenagers sitting apart from everyone, just like there would have been if I'd been home.

We crossed the street and wandered the beach for a little while, before heading back home to not do any of the many papers I have to write. Instead, my roomie and I decided to bake a pie! It ended up being quite the adventure, and I photographically documented the whole thing, but instead of sharing all those, I think I want to leave you all with only one of those photos. It was a completely relevant and very integral part of the pie making process, I promise.

Now, the day is over, and it officially okay to play Christmas music loudly in public areas.


  1. Not pumpkin or sweet potato pie?
    I experimented also. . . made a spiced pineapple sauce for the sweet potatoes here, rather than marshmellow creme. Turned out pretty well, even if your little sister doesn't want to try any.

    I'm glad you had a wonderful family day!

  2. It was actually an apple berry pie, but I had an adventure picking the lime to give it some oomph. :)
