Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Life is beautiful.

Technology isn't exactly my best friend right now, but  I went to bed two nights ago without running water and woke up the next morning with sunshine coming through the window, donkeys braying outside and water coming out of the faucet when I turned the handle, so life is still so good. I am always amazed by how ungrateful I am for things I have when I have them, and how quickly I revert back to taking it for granted when it returns. Imma work on dat.

And now to share some of the beautiful things I see every day.

Blogger is hatin' and I can't move the text above the first picture, but it's a picture of the juice of heaven, no joke. I have no idea what they do to the mangoes here, but I could (and practically do) live off the stuff. Even having a piece of roof with rusty nails fall right between my cousin and his friend, and having two different birds share the contents of their bowels with us (do birds have bowels? I would assume so, but my aviary anatomy is a little lacking) will do nothing to deter us from our habit.

Just some cattle hanging out in the foundation of a building. Y'know... the normal thing.

On our way to juice one day, there was a huuuuge crowd waiting for this bike race to start. Sadly, I think cycling is even more of a man's game here than it is in the US. Lamesauce.

 Donkeys! Two doors down from the guest house where I'm staying. They were only there the first day, but we see dozens of them on a daily basis.

One of the views on the long way to the orphanage. The specks in the distance are goats.

Another on-the-way shot.

 These are genuine, pure-bred Ethiopian street dogs. I want to take them all home with me.

 Another view of the city from the longer walk.

 And the scaffolding! The houses here are all built out of cinder blocks or concrete (cement?), so I am continually amazed that this is how they get it all done.

Another beautiful view of the city.


  1. Juice looks yummy, but I have to remind you that it's not "well-done, no condiments". ;-)
    I REMEMBER the women walking with babies on their backs. Have you seen the older sisters (like six or seven) doing the same?
    Those pups are cute. Are they friendly?
    Please DON'T tell me about climbing that scaffolding! ;-)
    Love you bunches & bunches! Have fun! Tell Ro I say hello.

  2. Thanks for seeing the beauty in everyday scenes. I especially like the scaffolding picture -- our church is beginning a partnership to build a school in Liberia, and we're trying to remember to let them do it 'their way' and not impose our own expectations. This is a great example!

  3. Love the photos! Keep them coming! Hope you are still enjoying yourself! I was thinking of you as I was building my hugelkultur bed this weekend.

    Love ya,

  4. Rhonda, it's so easy to forget that our way isn't the only way and that just because someone is doing things differently doesn't mean they're doing it wrong. Being here has been such a great reminder of that idea. Good luck with the partnership and the school building!
