Friday, May 31, 2013

This is another "I'm Still Alive!" Post

I have managed to get to the internet in the past couple of weeks, just not with enough time to post.  I’ve mostly been doing the usual work- weeding, transplanting, trying out different biopesticide receipes, and gathering fresh manure for compost piles I then get the honor of building. This past Monday, however, we started another two week Permaculture Design Course here on site, and I’ve gotten to co-teach a couple of sessions, which has been a rad experience, on top of being something pretty to put on my resume.   
With the three other volunteers staying here, I’ve made my way up to town significantly more often- usually for some kind of culinary delight., although we have done a bit of exploring as well.  My time is winding down, and I’m trying to figure out how to fit everything in that I hope to do while I’m here.
I have a couple more posts scheduled, that says a lot more than this one does, so keep checking back! Eventually I’ll get my photos all sorted out, and there will be plenty of those to share as well.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know you're alive. I didn't see this post until today because Snuffie and I were attending a conference.
