Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Birthday 'Merica!

Fear not, I made it back to the good ol' US of A safe and sound, and free of unwanted adventures. As for wanted adventures, there were plenty of those!

In the two plus weeks I've been back, I've spent sometime in Virginia with la familia, had a very successful job interview in North Carolina, and over indulged in as much chocolate as I've been able to get my hands on.

I have yet to really sort through all my photos, but I'll be working on that and sharing some of my favorites here in the next few weeks.

Now go eat some grilled food, enjoy the sticky hot humidity (if you're lucky enough to be on the beautiful East Coast!), and watch some fireworks.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Fingers crossed for the NC job - or something else that you like. Looking forward to seeing your pictures!
